
מתוך ויקישיבה
קפיצה לניווט קפיצה לחיפוש

-- This function is used for תבנית:הערה parameters control function equal(frame) local pframe = frame:getParent() type = mw.ustring.sub(pframe:getTitle(), 7) oldargs = pframe.args local newargs = {} local kinds = frame.args local stop for p, pp in pairs(oldargs) do stop = false if tostring(p) == tostring(kinds[1]) and newargs[p] == nil then newargs[p] = pp stop = true elseif tostring(p) == tostring(kinds[1]) then equalerror("תוכן כפול: " .. newargs[p] .. " וגם " .. pp) stop = true else for z, zz in ipairs(kinds) do if tostring(p) == tostring(zz) then newargs[p] = pp stop = true do break end end end end if not stop then local kind = newargs[kinds[1]] or newargs[tonumber(kinds[1])] if kind ~= nil then equalerror("תוכן כפול: " .. kind .. " וגם " .. p .. "=" .. pp) else newargs[kinds[1]] = p .. "=" .. pp end end end return frame:expandTemplate({title = frame.args["קוד"], args = newargs}) end

function equalerror(message) error(" (בקריאה לתבנית:" .. type .. ") " .. message, 0) end

function decode(frame) return mw.uri.decode(frame.args[1]) end

function googleurl(frame) --return a .. mw.uri.parseQueryString( frame.args[1] )['https://www.yeshiva.org.il/url?url'] --p = --for k, v in pairs(mw.uri.new( frame.args[1] ).query['url']) --do return 'a' .. k .. 'c' end --p = p .. '+++' .. k .. ':' .. v end --return p-- local q = mw.uri.new(frame.args[1]).query return q and (q['url'] or q['q']) or --or mw.uri.parseQueryString( frame.args[1] )['https://www.yeshiva.org.il/url?url'] or end

function biur(frame) pframe = frame:getParent() local newargs = {} for a, aa in pairs(pframe.args) do if a == "קבוצה" then error('פרמטר "קבוצה" כפול[[category:' .. tostring(mw.message.new("Cite-tracking-category-cite-error")) .. ']]', 0) end newargs[a] = aa end newargs["קבוצה"] = frame.args[1] or "hebrew" return frame:expandTemplate{title = "הערה", args = newargs} end

function showparams( frame ) local ans = , k for i, v in pairs(frame.args) do if tonumber(i) then k = v else k = i end k = mw.ustring.gsub(k, '\n', ) if mw.ustring.find(k, '|') then k = k .. ' (' .. mw.ustring.sub(k, 3, mw.ustring.find(k, '|') - 1) .. ')' end ans = ans .. '#' .. k .. '\n' end return ans end

local function main() end

return { main = main, equal = equal, decode = decode, googleurl = googleurl, biur = biur, showparams = showparams, }